- Thursday 19th December: Christmas Meal, the Willow Tree.
- Sunday 24th November: Tree planting ground preparation event at the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Sunday 10th November: Work party at the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Friday 1st November: Meeting at the Wildlife Conservation Area to agree new signage.
- October: Article in the Oliver’s Battery Magazine.
- Monday 30th September: Bonfire at the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Tuesday 10th September: A meal at the Bell, St Cross.
- Monday 2nd September: Strimming at the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Friday 23rd and Monday 26th August: Strimming at the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Monday 19th August: Meeting about proposed new information boards for the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Monday 12th August: Strimming at the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Tuesday 9th July: Last session at the Wildlife Conservation Area with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award students, Kirsten, Bethan, Jeremy, Claire and Isaac.
- Saturday 29th June: School work party. Some OBCG volunteers helped with grounds maintenance at Oliver’s Battery Primary School.
- Monday 21st June: Work party at the Wildlife Conservation Area with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award students. Ox Eye Dasies and Corn Camomile flowering.
- Saturday 8th June: Opening of the all weather sports area. Oliver’s Battery Countryside Group had a table displaying maps and photographs of the wildlife conservation area created seven years ago from a wilderness of brambles and nettles. There was a wildlife crossword for children of things to be found in the reserve with prizes of butterfly cakes. Several guided tours of the area took place, including one for the Mayor. The wildlife area, surrounded by paddocks has wonderful open views of the countryside to the south and there is a feeling of peace and tranquillity enhanced by the sound of birdsong.
- Tuesday 21st May: Strimming at the Wildlife Conservation Area.
- Monday 20th May: AGM in the Wildlife Conservation Area. Clare and Norma stood down as Chair and Secretary were replaced by Alison and Clare respectively. 2013 Minutes (pdf)
- Monday 29th April: Work party with volunteers.
- Wednesday 3rd April: We took advantage of a sunny day during a very long cold period to have a bonfire. We cleared up much of the site. In the pile awaiting destruction we discovered a lot of the Spanish bluebell bulbs that were dug out last year sprouting madly.
- Wednesday 13th March: We put up a bird box.
- Monday 18th February: A working party, clearing blackthorn runners, removing tree guards and having a small bonfire.