Area Maps and Photos
Some links to on-line map and aerial photo sites are given below. Please note that these are external websites which may carry advertising.
The Wildlife Conservation Area is the small rectangle at the centre of the Ordnance Survey map Grid Ref: (click on the link and then you will have to manually enter these coordinates SU 46013 27109 in the search box), with the Rec at the top end and the bridleway at the bottom. An enlarged copy of the map can be saved by clicking on ‘PRINT/SAVE/COPY’ at top right, then right-clicking in the new window and doing “Save picture as” (or your favourite browser’s equivalent).
Ordnance Survey Six Inch Provisional map of the area in the 1930s
OpenStreetMap (a user-made map of the world) shows the path across the site.
This Google Maps aerial photo is centred on the site, with the Rec at top left – zoom out a little to see the local roads. It was updated recently and shows the site in late August 2007 with the dried hay partly burned.
An older view is provided by Bing Maps at, which has both vertical and oblique (‘Bird’s Eye’) aerial photos of the site from three directions. Copyright date notwithstanding, these show the site before OBCG began work: the oblique view of the Rec shows the car park being resurfaced in May/June 2005.