2005 Diary

  • Tuesday 27th December: Work party on the Wildlife Conservation Area raked and burned bramble roots.
  • Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th December: Work parties on the Wildlife Conservation Area made the cleared site safe, investigated a sewer access, cleared uncovered rubble etc.
  • Tuesday 13th December: Contractors cleared bramble forest from much of the Wildlife Conservation Area, ready for replanting with native chalk downland species. An area to the south was left for existing wildlife.
  • Sunday 11th December: Wildlife Conservation Area site survey confirmed that no badgers were in residence. There are old diggings and lots of rabbits but no evidence of an active badger sett.
  • Monday 14th November: OBCG Committee meeting.
  • Saturday 15th October: OBCG held a site meeting at the Wildlife Conservation Area. In October the group was awarded a Hanson Environment Fund grant for Wildlife Conservation Area works.
  • July: OBCG formally constituted, with seed funding from OB Parish Council.
    Local botanist Jean Kington surveyed Wildlife Conservation Area site to identify the plants present.

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