November News and Update

Your  Editor and Chair were away for six and bit weeks, hence no news since August. Last week on visiting the Conservation/Wildlife area, we were pleasantly surprised how well the area looked after little maintenance during our time way. We were amazed, considering the rain that had fallen during our absence from these shores, that the vegetation had not grown significantly more. Meantime some members of the group were busy making a scarecrow to sit on the bench in the area as part of Olivers Battery Parish’s Annual Scarecrow competition  (picture attached -various additions have been made since this photo was shot). OTSIF (Out Standing In their Field), for that is the scarecrows name, did not win, but gave the winners of the competition a good run for their trophy. A big thank you for all those that took part.

Another thank you to the person(s) who kindly donated some roofing material for the comfort and shelter of our reptiles, in particular, our Slow Worms. We are very grateful to you.

As the winter draws near, we are entering coppicing season, so we plan to publish some dates for the work party’s shortly and we are always happy to receive new volunteers. On another issue of work to do in the area, and following a conversion with a professional gardener with an interest in wild flower meadows, we are looking to have another cut of the meadow shortly. Would anybody of the “Fellowship of OBCG Scythers” be interested in helping in the next few weeks.

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